Thursday, April 4, 2013

There is only 1 South Africa !!!

South Africa, Mzansi, The Rainbow Nation,Springboks, Proteas or Bafana Bafana. Whatever you call it, we all LOVEit! 

The country that occupies the most southern tipof Africa. The stopping point for European travelers trading with India andAsia. The Portuguese first discovered it in 1487. The Dutch, Germans and Frenchfollowed in 1652, bringing slaves from Asia as manual labor which brought aboutthe first foreign settlers to the country. They discovered the Zulu and Xhosapeople living here sparking several wars for land and livestock. The Britishentered the scene after the French had interests in the land and prevented anyFrench ruling, conquering the land and enforcing a British government in 1820.
This led to a great civil war; the Anglo Boerwar that changed the future of this vast rich land. After many years of allthese people learning to live together, the country went through its worst periodever, Apartheid. The country being torn apart by the government at thattime and seeing misery and sorrow parallel to the most notorious and monstrouscrimes in previous history. A truly disgusting period in Suid-Afrikaansehistory. 

On the verge of another civil war in thecountry, a few bold men stood up. One of whom being the Legendary NelsonMandela. He stood at the tip of a very sharp arrow aimed at the apartheidgovernment, an arrow that brought an end to the idiots enforcing this racialsegregation. He started a revolution, not only in South Africa, but also in theworld! He showed people, that no matter how difficult the challenge ahead; nevergive up and absolutely anything is possible. These bold men who represented therebels changed the country for the better this time. Allowing people off allraces and religions to unite as one nation, not divided by race. One rainbownation making its mark in history. Telling a great story to the world. A storythat is yet to hit its climax.



1 comment:

  1. South Africa, the greatest Country ever !!! with such a rich history and broad culture influence, no wonder it sparked the birth of this great genre Kwaicore
