Thursday, April 4, 2013

Breaking into Kwaicore.

So what exactly is "Kwaicore" ?

Well as I said in the first post it's a mixture, a fusion, a collision of South Africa's very own "Kwaito" and America's "Hardcore Hip Hop" ... The 'Kwai' obviously coming from Kwaito and the 'core' deriving from Hardcore...

Don't get me wrong though, this isn't just some ameture mix of any 2 genres of music... Nah nah nah man---- These are genres born from the same idea. Genres that manifested out of the same serum, ANGER... Kwaito was born during the apartheid era and fed off those times of struggle. Hardcore Hip Hop born in the streets of ghetto America where many still feel the pain and struggle of the past racial segregation...
When such powerful ideas meet there can only be an even more powerful outcome! Prepare your souls my friends for this shall be immense !


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